wayne reed

After more than 59 years . . .

I have finally figured out why, after playing guitar
for nearly 60 years, why I am not a universal legend!

Why I am not on the list of the world's best guitar players!

In this super short tutorial, I will reveal . . .


AND . . . I will also reveal . . .


wayne reed

The 3 reasons I am not a Guitar Hero Super Star are . . .

wayne reed

wayne reed

I . . . I am the only reason! What I, myself did to achieve my goals.

Not what I was taught. Not who taught me. Not what ANYTHING !

wayne reed

The situation I'm in is solely the result of the decisions " I " made in life!

wayne reed

I'm still alive! So there IS time!

It's up to ME! If I'm willing to do the things I have to do to
achieve greatness, and make a conscietious decision to do so . . .

wayne reed

wayne reed

I CAN . . . and YOU can . . . achieve what ever you are willing to work for!

There is a SOLUTION!

wayne reed

wayne reed

Make the decision NOW!

Become the YOU you want to be! In life,
music, religion, in EVERYTHING you are!

Over all, it’s not really that hard. BUT it IS
at the same time. I get that. But you know what?

If it was easy, it wouldn’t be so special!

EVERYBODY could do it.

KEEP THIS IN MIND . . . Over 90% of the people who start
learning to play guitar QUIT in 30 days! THIRTY DAYS!

Because it’s not easy. And they don’t have what it takes

Over 90% of the remaining people who stuck it out for 30 days
QUIT in less than 90 days! NINETY DAYS! Because it’s not easy.

And they don’t have what it takes to DO IT! BUT YOU DO!

I hope I become a small part of how you become a successful
guitar player, AND a better you!


The start of becoming better starts by doing the things
you skipped, or started and didn't finish! So start here!

~ You need to read this! ~
Theory 101 Overview
~ So do it RIGHT NOW! ~

Then keep going!
Check out the other tutorials and . . .

Do the workshops!
My Tutorials Index Page

Hope you found this interesting. If you did, please feel welcome
to drop me a line. Email me, or drop me a PM on Facebook!

Email me any time! ~/~ Wayne on Facebook

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