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The Science of the Search!

Searching the MidKar site is no different than searching the web.
What you type is what's looked for, kinda sorta.

Wrapping your search words or phrases in quotes will ONLY produce
exactlhy what's in the quotes. Here are some examples . . .

"I Can't Get No Satisfaction by Thr Rolling Stones" won't get you anything!
See the "Thr"? But even then . . .

"I Can't Get No Satisfaction by The Rolling Stones" will not get you anything.

"(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction by The Rolling Stones" WILL get you some results.
Because THAT is the exact title of the song.

Just searching for Satisfaction will bring up 1000s of results. And you'll
be scrolling page after page before finding anything by The Rolling Stones!

But, if you would simply enter "satisfaction rolling stones" (without the quotes)
. . . you'll find plenty of the results you're really looking for.

BTW: Just looking for Satisfaction will bring up a BUNCH of unsavvory results!

But there's another issue with searching the MidKar site for a specific song title!
When someone names their MIDI file, it's gonna be what ever they think the "file" name
should be. Using Satisfaction as an example, I doubt anyone is going to name the file

(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction by The Rolling Stones.mid

OK, maybe Geoff will! LOL

Going back a bunch of years, us old school programmers were only allowed 8 characters
for file names. EIGHT! Back then, file management and file configuration were always a
challenge. We had to assingn an 8 character name to a program file, and keep track of what
that file was. We had to cross reference the file name to a function. Like a computer program
used to log certain data in a spreadsheet. "Monthly Scrap and Customer Returns for 1981"
might be logged in a spreadsheet named MSCR1981.

So, getting back to Satisfaction. Back then we mighta named the file any one of the following . . .

sat.mid satrstns.mid rssat.mid satisfrs.mid rssatif.mid . . . . etc.!

Many of the files we have were either sequenced "back then", or, as we were able to use longer
file names, many sequencers maintained the habit of using as short a name as possible.

One other issue: For a long time, our host server software would not accept spaces or special
characters in a file name. So we used underscores for spaces, and removed single quotes, brackets,
parenthesis, etc. So a song like That's Life would end up Thats_Life.mid

So be diligent! If a song doesn't come up in your search, try other combinations of your search words.
And don't only look for song titles! I found a song today typing in sinatra that I couldn't find using
different combos of the song title.

It's really a bit of a science.

Like what you see here? Please check out the rest of the site! Over 30,000
MIDI, KAR and BIAB fies. Organized by genre' in an easy to use table!

And check out our Backing Tracks Support Group, The MidKar Group!

Thanks for dropping by! Wayne

Visit the 29 MIDI ~/~ KAR ~/~ BIAB pages on our Portal HOME page.

MidKar Portal HOME Page ~/~ The MidKar Site Directory

Here are 2 of the 29 for example . . .
Gary Rogers' MIDI Page
1,718 MIDI & KAR Files
Oldies But Goodies!
Geoff Carter's MIDI Page
788 MIDI & KAR Files
The MidKar Main Portal Page
MidKar Member's Site Directory
Join the MidKar Support Group
The MidKar Group

Please consider making a donation to help us
keep MidKar online. MidKar relies on your help
because we are not monetized! Membership, and
all of the MIDIs, KARs and BIAB files are FREE!

Thank you for your support! Wayne

Click the PayPal link if you'd like to help!